Removable dental implants

Easy and convenient dentures

Just like fixed permanent dentures, removable dentures use implants to keep your dentures in place, prevent slipping, and provide additional facial support, particularly for patients with significant bone loss. Conveniently, these dentures can be removed for much easier cleaning with less effort and less time. Another great quality of removable dentures on implants is their lower cost — they tend to cost about half the price of fixed permanent dentures.

We’d love to walk you through the process of implants and the options around removable and fixed implants in Richibucto and surrounding areas. Call today and arrange a free consultation to find out what’s right for you.

Removable dentures on implants have many benefits:

  • Price: They cost less (as much as half the cost) than the alternative.
  • They are much easier to clean: Since the prostheses are removable, cleaning takes much less effort and time.
  • Facial support: Implant overdentures can provide added facial support in patients with severe bone loss. This is thanks to a denture extension added under the lips to fill in the space where bone was lost.


How much do implant-supported dentures cost?

The cost of dental implant surgery depends on factors such as how many implants are placed in the jaw as well as what kind of denture is fabricated over the implants.

Are there downsides to dental implants?

Dental implant dentistry can be a more lengthy treatment option. In some cases,  bone grafting surgery may be required depending on the bone quality and availability. Most implants take 3-6 months to heal. For some patients, immediate temporary appliances can be placed at the time of surgery.

Cost may also be a limiting factor depending on how many implants are used and the appliance being restored on the implants.

How many implants are needed for the upper jaw?

Typically the minimal number of implants for a removable restoration on the upper jaw is four. Six or more implants could be needed for a non-removable restoration.

Does food get under dental implants?

Certain types of food can get caught between the soft gum tissues and the teeth or implants to which they are attached.

Are implant-supported dentures removable?

No. An implant-supported prosthesis is a denture that’s retained and supported by four or more dental implants. It is securely fixed on the implants. Only your denturist or a dentist should remove your denture for cleaning and examination.

How long do implant supported dentures last?

Dental implants can last anywhere from 10-20 years or even longer. But depending on wear and maintenance, this can vary.

Can regular dentures be permanently attached?

Your conventional denture could offer a transitional or temporary form of treatment while your implants heal. If it’s challenging to use your existing denture when your final restoration is complete, it can be reinforced with a CAD/CAM substructure, which is something that can’t be added to an existing denture.