Recreate Your Smile with Complete Dentures

Trust a professional denturist who can create custom-fit dentures just for you to recreate your smile and restore your dental health. Full dentures can be crafted to look just like real teeth. As denture specialists, we know just how important it is to get them just right. We use precise jaw measurements to create custom molds for complete dentures using premium materials to bring your smile back to life. Full dentures are also called complete dentures because they replace all of your natural teeth in a low-maintenance way. Complete dentures are specially fitted to your gums, and they’re held in place using suction as well as an oral adhesive in some cases. With full dentures, you can get back on the path to looking and feeling great at a fraction of the cost of full dental implants but with the same effect. 

Find out if you’re a good candidate for full dentures by talking to us to see if this is the right fit for you. We’ll guide you through your options, including costs, quality, and what to expect.

Tips for wearing your full dentures

  • Chew on both sides of your mouth: Chewing your food evenly on both sides in the back of your mouth helps keep your dentures more stable while you eat.
  • Chew slowly and thoroughly before swallowing: To reduce the risk of choking, don’t gulp down large bites of unchewed food.
  • Take smaller bites: Slice fresh fruit and veggies into thin slices or finely dice them, so they’re easy to chew or cook before serving.
  • Drink with your meals: Foods like whole-grain bread and cereal are good for you, but they may stick to your dentures. Enjoy them with liquids to make them easier to chew and swallow.
  • Avoid sticky or gummy foods: Treats like taffy, caramel, marshmallows, peanut butter, and raisins should be avoided whenever possible. They can adhere to your upper and lower molars (chewing teeth) and dislodge your dentures.


How long do dentures last?

On average, most dentures last about 10-12 years. For some people, it could be less, and for some people, they last longer, but this depends on many factors.

Remember: dentures aren’t meant to last a lifetime! Denture teeth wear down over time from daily use. Over time, this diminishes their ability to work properly. It’s vital to maintain and replace them as needed.

Maintenance is critical for successful denture wear. You wouldn’t drive your car for years and not expect to require routine maintenance! Your dentures are one of the engines to your health. They need to be assessed regularly by your denturist to help maintain the best function for you and your dentures.

What does getting dentures mean?

When your teeth can no longer function as they should, this can require the use of dentures. There are many reasons this can happen, including infections, cancer, accidents, and injuries causing dental trauma and certain medications. Whatever the reason, the same solution is required. 

To get dentures, either the extraction of natural teeth that have been assessed as no longer usable is required, or dentures will replace some or all teeth that are already missing.

Our denturist assesses your needs during an oral examination and discusses expectations with you before beginning treatment to ensure you have a successful outcome.

What does getting dentures involve?

The process of getting dentures can be a bit different from person to person. For some, it may take as little as three appointments over a couple of weeks. Other more complex cases can take several weeks. With new technologies such as digital dentistry, patients can have their smile ready much faster and with less invasive appointments. In some cases, no dental impressions are needed.

How can I tell denture quality?

At first glance, it might be tricky to assess the quality of your denture.

The more natural the artificial tooth appears is a sign of good quality dentures. But the best way to determine denture quality is by talking to your denturist about what materials they use. It’s important to have this conversation ahead of time. Otherwise, you may not know until it is too late when you notice the premature wear or fracture of your denture.


How much are full dentures?

The cost of partial and full dentures varies greatly from patient to patient and clinic to clinic. It can depend on factors like the technology and materials used. The best way to get a specific cost estimate is to book a free, no-obligation consultation.

What are the best dentures to get?

The best dentures are made using precision techniques to obtain your specific oral measurements, including precise molds and jaw measurements. Utilizing premium material is also crucial to good-quality dentures.

Can you get dentures that look like real teeth?

Absolutely! High-quality materials, advanced techniques, and experienced denturists will render a more natural smile.